Friday 26 June 2015

Hi everyone!

Last week we were very lucky because we had a special dance teacher come into school to teach us some amazing dances.  Archie loved it and was very good at following all the steps - well done Archie!  We performed our dance to Camp Rock from the Disney Channel and enjoyed showing the rest of the school what we had learnt.

We all had great fun - well, nearly all of us!   I think Connor and Caleb would have preferred to be on the field playing football !!

In PE we have been busy practising for Sports Day.  We have been practising team games and thinking hard about how to be a good winner or good loser!  We have a few more weeks to practise before the real thing.

Next week will be very busy as we are going on our school trip - so why not come back next Friday to find out how we got on?

Beetles Class