Friday, 22 April 2016


Hello again.

On Thursday it was Queen Elizabeth II 90th birthday!
We sang happy birthday to her and ate celebration cup cakes.

Happy Birthday Twinkling Rose Bouquet
Your Majesty

We're going on a plant hunt . . . . . . . 

As part of our Plants and Growing topic, we went on a plant hunt around the school grounds. 

We thought the goose grass was funny.
It sticks to your clothes! 

Can you remember the names of the
 plants we found?

Thursday, 14 April 2016

The Enormous Turnip

The Enormous Turnip

This week we have been reading the traditional tale The Enormous Turnip.  We have read three different versions of the story and have compared them.  They all use slightly different characters.

We then went outside with our own giant turnip and we pretended that we were the characters from our own Enormous Turnip story.

Callum was the old man who planted a turnip seed.

He then called for lots of his friends to come to help.  We all thought about which character we would want to help us to pull the turnip out of the ground.

We had lots of unusual characters - even caterpillars and butterflies!

We pulled and we pulled ..........

We tugged and we tugged .......

We heaved and heaved .........

We yanked and yanked ...........

And finally  ........ we did it!