Thursday 11 February 2016

Hello Everyone
This week we have had our very own medieval banquet!  It was just fabulous - we made our own golden goblets with 'real' jewels and all wore our very best clothes.

The boys looked handsome

The girls looked very pretty

We all had a brilliant time!

Our King and Queen were Callum and Bella

We also had Princess Melanie and Prince Harrison.

We had a feast!

We made our own wall hanging

Mrs Wright was the Court Jester


After we had eaten we had a Royal dance

Have a lovely half term - see you next week

Thursday 4 February 2016


Hello again. 

This week Beetles class held a jousting tournament.

Princess Nuria and Princess Brooke were the judges.

We rode the  hobby horses we made last week.

We used long balloons for our lances.

We had lots of fun! 

Look at all the fun we had at the disco!